Product Description
The Springboard integration is available to all paid Vervoe customers and can be accessed via the /integrations page within account settings
. The integration is standard to all users and therefore can be toggled on immediately in the Vervoe account. Configuration and authentication are required on the Springboard side and customers will need to contact Springboard after the Vervoe API has been toggled on.
Enable the integration
If you have a Springboard integration, you will need to toggle on the Vervoe API from the integrations page within your Vervoe account
- Once you've done this, contact the Springboard Client Delivery team
- After you have provided your credentials to the Springboard team, they will set up the integration for you. The Springboard team will need:
- API Key
- Secret Key
2. In exchange, the Springboard team will provide you with the Webhook URL. You will need to add this to the Vervoe API page under Integrations in Vervoe and click Save. This is necessary to receive results and reports from Vervoe directly in Springboard.
Find assessments to Springboard
To find your Vervoe assessment in Springboard:
- Log in to Springboard and go to the candidate grid
- Select a candidate(s) then right-click Assessments/ Check > Request 3rd Party Assessment.
3. Select Vervoe from the drop-down list of Assessment Provider.
4. Supply the information on the mandatory fields, then select the Package from the drop-down list.
Inviting candidates to assessment via SpringBoard
There are two main types of workflows you can create to invite candidates to an assessment.
- Generate Rules assessment via specific Job only
Generate Rules assessment via Process Designer for the entire workflow
Viewing status updates and Vervoe Score in Springboard
To view the assessment status, go to Candidate Review mode. Click the Forms tab then hit the Assessment Details link.
2. Assessment Status is set to Awaiting Candidate.
3. Check the candidate grid. Vervoe Status is Assessment_Sent and Vervoe Score is blank. Vervoe Score will be updated when the assessment is completed by the candidate with their overall score.
4. Once the candidate submits the Assessment, the status will change to Completed and the score will be displayed. You are now able to view the Report.
For further assistance in setting up your Springboard integration please contact