The Excel question type is available to all customers across all plan types and is accessed via the create assessment editor.
The Excel question type is an Autograded question and requires a correct answer sample or test case. This means a correct answer will need to be input into a cell and is best used for Excel questions requiring working of numbers, not for graphs, Pivot tables, or any other workings that cannot be graded by a cell.
Adding to an assessment
The Excel Autograded question type can be added to an assessment via the Create editor.
You will be prompted to either upload an excel file (max 10MB) or create a new one.
Once Excel content has been added the correct answer option will appear. This autograding feature requires at least one correct answer (like multiple-choice questions or test cases in code challenges). You must select a cell in Excel where candidates will input the correct answer and then correlate this to the correct sample.
Multiple correct answers can be added and points allocated up to 10 for each.
NOTE: In the Excel question type, each question is worth X/10 points, meaning each correct cell is valued at 1/10 of a point. Should the number of correct entries exceed 10, the value assigned to each correct answer will decrease accordingly.
The candidate's answer must be exactly the same as the correct answer entered into the question. Please ensure you include instructions to candidates to not change formatting, or include multiple correct answers for different format options.
You can include multiple correct answers for the cell. This could be used if there are multiple ways a question could be formatted.
To check that the answers input match the cells, ensure all correct answers are input into the Excel Spreadsheet.
Click 'check' and the system will check the allocated cell to alert whether the formatting and answer input matches your correct answer.
Candidate Experience
The Excel question will open up to the full-screen view for the candidate.
Correcting a score
The Excel question type score can be amended after grading to account for answers that should have been correct but that included formatting that was not accounted for in the correct answer eg. 10 and 10.00 are both correct but only 10 would be marked as correct because it exactly matches the test case.
You can override the candidate card's initial incorrect/correct score. Once the score has been updated the question and assessment scores will be recalculated. Please note: this functionality is not available on the integration candidate card or shared candidate cards.