Providing candidates with feedback on their performance on an assessment they have taken can empower individuals with immediate insights on specific skills and areas for improvement, as well as provide value from a clear understanding of decision-making.
If you want to provide your candidates with feedback on their assessment results once they have completed an assessment, there are a few options to do this.
Managing The Feedback to Send Candidates
Sending Feedback to Individual Candidates
Quick Video:
How to send candidates their results and feedback.
On the top right-hand corner of your assessment, navigate to 'settings'.
Scroll down to "Candidate Communication"
Once toggled on you can select between sending feedback at a set timeframe after a candidate completes or when the assessment is closed.
If you choose when the assessment is closed, all candidates will be sent their feedback at the same time.
If the timeframe option is selected then feedback can be sent between a minimum of 3 days after the last completion and a maximum of 30 days after completion.
This will be sent X number of days after the last candidate completes the assessment.
For example: If the timer is for 3 days and a candidate completes after 2 days, the timer will be reset. There will need to be 3 days with no candidate completions for the feedback to be sent OR until the assessment is closed.
Managing Feedback Candidates Receive
You can choose to include or exclude the candidates' overall rank in their feedback. All feedback will include their relative
Feedback Including Candidate's Ranking:
This will show their overall assessment score, their score on each skill tested, and how they ranked against other candidates in the assessment, displayed with X/out of all candidates tested.
Feedback Excluding Candidate's Ranking:
If the rank is removed then candidates will see a simplified version of the feedback that excludes rank and removes the text relating to rank from the summary paragraph. Candidates will still be able to see their result for each skill. They will be able to see where they scored relative to other candidates but they will not be able to see their specific ranking.
What is sent to candidates?
Changing Email Communication
You can review and edit the default content in the email the candidate receives by clicking on preview and edit email
Candidate Experience
Candidates who receive feedback will get an email with a PDF of the feedback attached that they can review and download to keep.
Candidates can review their performance (low, medium, high) on a bell curve covering all skills in the assessment.
- Skill Scores Breakdown: Candidates can review their performance (low, medium, high) on a bell curve per individual skill in the assessment.
Sending Individual Candidate's Feedback
You can send individual candidates their feedback, without sending it to everyone who has completed the assessment.
You can action this from the 'Select Tab' with all completed candidate results, or within the candidate card - as shown in the video below.
Important Considerations:
- AI Calculation: Allow a minimum of 3 days for AI calculations to settle before sending feedback otherwise candidate's skills and/or rank may change slightly.
Rank Confidentiality: Customers can choose to remove the candidate's rank from the feedback.
- User-Friendly Interface: The 'Feedback Sent' icon provides a visual confirmation of processed feedback.
- Customer Control: The Candidate Feedback feature is off by default. Admins retain control once turned on over the feedback process
Is this feature automatically turned on for all my candidates?
No, the Candidate Feedback feature is off by default. To enable it, go to the assessment settings, navigate to 'Candidate Communication,' and toggle on the Candidate Feedback option.
What information does the feedback include?
The feedback includes the candidate’s overall assessment results, individual skill results, and, if chosen, the candidate's ranking against other candidates. You can also choose to exclude the ranking if desired.
- How does the system calculate a candidate's ranking?
The ranking is determined based on the candidate's performance relative to other candidates who took the assessment. It provides insights into how well the candidate performed compared to their peers.
What if a candidate wants to know more about their feedback and how their rank is calculated?
The amount of feedback or additional information you provide to your candidates is completely at your discretion. The Vervoe report cards will simply show how they performed in comparison to other candidates who took the same assessment. Candidates should note it is not a universal or objective credential for that particular skill, and is specifically related to the job they are applying for.
Can I customize the timing of when candidate feedback is sent?
Yes, you have the option to send feedback either when the assessment is closed or within a specified timeframe (minimum 3 days, maximum 30 days) after the last completion. The choice depends on your organization's preference.
- Can I review and customize the email content that candidates receive with their feedback?
Yes, you have control over the email communication. You can review and edit the default content in the email that candidates receive along with their feedback under ‘Candidate Communication’ settings. .