Now that you've invited your candidates, you're probably wondering what the variation in statuses mean. Feel free to read along as we break down what each status means, and actions you can take within.
The first thing you'll notice on your "Invite" page, is a list of candidates you've invited along with their email address, their completion status, and the source used to send the invitation.
The first phase of completion will be labeled as "Invited". This is an indicator that your invitation was successfully sent, and the candidate has not yet opened it.
A candidate will then reach the "Applied" status once they've opened the assessment (clicked the link), but have yet to begin. If you notice a candidate is in the status for an extended period of time, feel free to send them a quick message or a reminder, by clicking their ellipsis menu to the right of their name, and by selecting "Message".
In Progress
Once a candidate has officially began their assessment, their status will update into the "In Progress" stage. If your assessment does not have a timer, candidates can remain "In Progress" until the assessment expiration date. Candidate answers cannot be viewed at this stage, but will be available once submitted.
Once a candidate submits the assessment, the status will change to "Completed" and you can review their results from the "Select" tab within the assessment. To learn more about reviewing and selecting the best candidate, check out our helpful article here.
Whoops! Candidates who did not submit their assessment before the deadline will be listed in an "Expired" status. If a candidate mistakenly misses the deadline and requests an extension, your team will be notified of this request on your assessment dashboard, as well as at the top left corner of your "Invite" tab.
All candidate statuses will change to expired once the deadline has passed, even if they were halfway through an assessment.
Re-Invite vs. Extend
When you go to extend a candidate's deadline, you may notice that some candidates have the option to "Re-Invite", whereas others have the option to "Extend". Overall, these two options provide the same function. However, if a candidate never began their assessment, you'll see the "Re-Invite" text. If a candidate has begun their assessment, you'll see the option to "Extend" instead. This is just a helpful way to keep track of which candidates are opening your sent emails.
If you have any further questions about the status of your candidate completions, please feel free to reach out to for assistance.