Improve assessment completion rates and reach busy candidates instantly with SMS invites!
SMS invites will be sent in conjunction with invitation emails when a candidate's phone number has been provided.
Please note that SMS notifications will not be sent with reminder emails.
Inviting candidates via SMS
Go to the Invite stage, click on "Email Invitation," add the name and email address, and click on the +Phone field to send an SMS notification.
You can select the country code from the drop-down menu and input the candidate's mobile/cell number. CSV import now includes a column for phone numbers as well.
Please note that you are not required to have this column filled out when importing a candidate list through CSV.
Clicking `Send Invitations` will automatically trigger to send both email and SMS to the candidate. The SMS message is standard and is not customizable at this stage.
Once the SMS cap has been reached, the option to add a phone number will be greyed out, making it inaccessible until it resets the following month.
To know whether a candidate has received an SMS invite, you will see an icon next to the candidate name in the Invite overview stage that shows if a candidate has received an SMS invite or not.
The SMS cap can be tracked via the subscription page in account settings or via the invite page on the hover of the phone field.