Now that you've been using Vervoe to assess candidates, you may consider now tracking how well your Vervoe hires are performing! Once candidates are officially hired, here are a few new steps we've implemented into the Vervoe workflow.
To get started, mark a candidate as hired from either their candidate report card, or by selecting them from a drop-down menu once you're ready to deactivate an assessment.
Next, you'll be prompted to record the Hire Date, as well as the Hiring Manager details (name and email address):
Hiring Manager details will be saved as a pre-populated option after being added once to an assessment. Note: They are only saved at the assessment level and not at the company level.
You can also select yourself as the hiring manager:
Both of these steps can be skipped if you wish to fill them in later, and the candidate will still be marked as hired and will be visible in the new hired tab.
The information collected in this step will now be visible in the "Hired" tab, which is accessible via the top navigation menu, and also as a tab of "All Candidates".
You can also edit, review and manage the hired data attributed to each candidate, and also remove a hired status from candidates that don’t start or have been marked incorrectly.
This stage enables your team to capture two data points from the Hiring Manager about how their new recruit is performing. The survey is emailed to the hiring manager via their company proxy (like the emails candidates receive) and includes two questions:
Knowing everything you know now, would you hire this person again?
Hiring Managers are able to leave additional comments from any three of the response options but it is compulsory for the option "other" so we can learn more about this middle ground.
How would you rate this person’s performance overall?
A ranking system similar to NPS with a quick 0 - 10 score
A 'tool tip' is included in the grading scale of the hired survey to help to the Hiring Managers understand where to place a candidate on the scale and to ensure the grading is consistent across hiring managers.
Important notes:
- The survey/questionnaire will only be sent if the hiring manager’s details have been recorded. If the hiring manager details have been captured without a hired date, then the survey will trigger 120 days from the date the candidate was marked as hired in the app.
- This is not available on free trial accounts. However, if your free trial is upgraded, all post-hire surveys should be sent (including those for hires made on free trial).
- Emails are not sent to hiring managers of test candidates.
Candidates that have been incorrectly marked as hired or those that do not end up starting or staying in the roll longer than 3 months can be removed from the hiring manager questionnaire. Unhired is managed via the Hired tab. Just select the small 3 dot menu on the candidates' row and click Remove from hired
- this will trigger the unhired flow.
Users will be able to select from four options as the reason for unhiring the candidate they include:
I made a mistake
Candidate never started
Candidate wasn’t suitable
Just trying out the feature
The final stage in our new closing-the-loop process is insights. This feature will come soon and will include information such as the number of hires, time to hire, average scores per hire and per skill group, and the quality scores for hires.