Regenerating an assessment allows you to move the assessment to archive and a new version will be ready to use, that holds the original settings and assessment slug.
Highlights of this feature:
- Close the current assessment which will prevent candidates from completing the assessment if they are part-way through or have not yet started.
- Re-create the same assessment, duplicating all assessment settings and questions
- Keep the URL the same as the original assessment so the application link, and any connections to ATS remain the same.
Important things to consider when re-generating an assessment.
- You will not be able to re-open the assessment again. If you want candidates who were invited to the first assessment it, they will need to be invited to the re-generated assessment.
- You can still review candidates assessment results once an assessment has been re-generated
Your original assessment will move to the "closed" folder in your account.
Please reach out to our support team if you have additional questions: