Now that you've created your account, you may be ready to add members of your team to the platform! Adding a team can help you more efficiently create assessments, or invite candidates that your team members may have more contact with.
Video: How to invite a new team member to your account:
To add new users to your account, click on your user icon (profile dropdown) to view your settings dropdown menu. Select Team settings and you will be directed to the Team Members setting tabs. Choose the blue "Invite Team Members" button to add a user to your account.
You will then be prompted to input the team member's name, email address, and to select their role and assessment permissions.
From here, you will have the ability to determine the user's account role, as well as their individual assessment permissions.
Account Roles
Admins on the account have the same access as the account owner. They are able to view and manage all skills assessments, account settings, users, and data.
Team users have the ability to create, edit and review their skills assessments as well as be added to other team members assessments as an editor or a viewer. They are unable to view account settings or assessments where they are not included on the assessment team.
Assessment Permissions
Once a team member is added to your account, you have the ability to manage their access to your organization's assessments. For assessments there are two levels of access - editor and viewer.
Account admins will automatically have access to manage and edit all assessments.
Editors can edit everything in an active assessment (including questions and assessment settings). They also have the ability to invite and score candidates.
Viewers can view assessment results, grade responses, and share a link to the candidate's card. Assessment viewers cannot make changes to the assessment, edit the assessment settings, or invite candidates.
Resending or Canceling Invitations
If a team member missed their invitation, or if they no longer need access to the platform, you can now re-invite or cancel invitations from within the Team menu, from your profile drop-down menu:
To learn more about Team Permissions, please review this article.